Monday 20 June 2016

Tips, tricks magic pills for loosing weight

You have probably clicked this and thought she's going to give us tips on how to loose weight tricks and lists of magic potions

However you would be very much mistaken there is no magic pills, no tricks and no easy way to loose weight

The way to loose weight is to burn off more than you eat, I don't mean eat 1000 calories and run for miles because that is just stupid, no I mean eat properly, healthy whole foods, do a mixture of strength and cardio and to make sure you are in calorie deficit but not much as you only want to be loosing 1-2lb per week depending how much you have to loose..

Drink plenty of water to help clean your system, speed metabolism up and to make sure you are actually hungry when you think you are

There is no quick fix, it will take you a while to get where you want to be but never give up, keep on going, take your measurements, take pictures and that way if the scale starts to fail you hopefully your over measurements will help you..

Trust the process, things don't happen over night and of course things will go stale, but that's when you need to kick start your body, change your eating habits, change your exercises.. Take a day off and eat what you want and then get back on it, as long as you don't stop because it hasn't happened as quickly as you think it will

  This saying is very true, there are no shortcuts to anything in life, no magic shake, no magic pill, it will be tough, you will have set backs, but the reward of a healthy you is priceless, and more rewarding than anything. 

Go on Amazon and Pinterest and look up clean eating, healthy foods, go shopping and buy fruit, veg, and lean meats and fish or lentils and pulses if a non meat eater, cook from scratch, take it one step at a time, make it a lifestyle change rather than see it as a diet, get the whole family involved, walk places.. 

Small changes will make the biggest difference, find your weekends and turne it into your strength, rather than sit on the sofa and snack on crisps or chocolate whilst watching tv, go for a run, get an exercise bike and cycle at home, or get some new cook books and read them and start meal planning.


After seeing a post from someone I follow on social media, who is a PT and down to earth person, she posted about accepting her body, to you and me her body looks bloody amazing but she has flaws like the rest of us, and it has made me do this post..

I am short only 5'2, I am slim, I have stretch marks, I have small boobs, I have no figure I am straight up and down, it has taken me two hard years to slowly start building a bum as I am blessed with a pancake bum.. I hate my stretch marks, they are in my thighs, bum and hips, luckily my stoa,ch never stretched much during pregnancy so I missed out on them, however I have a scar on my stomach from an op as a baby that is still very visible and makes my stomach uneven. 

Once upon a time I would of covered up, scared very one was looking at me and judging me for having stretch marks, but over time I have slowly accepted they are part of me, and on holiday everyone is doing exactly the same as me and worrying the next person is looking at them.. 

I feel more confident in my skin now I have children then I have ever done, my body has carried two babies, grown them nourished them and gave birth to them, now you can't beat that.. Will I ever see those people on holiday again? No will they see me? No so why worry..

We live in a world where social media means we need to be tall slim with big boobs and nice figure, but that's not reality, reality is stretch marks, loose skin etc... 

You really need to accept who you are, everyone's genetic makeup is different so not everyone will have a rippling 6 pack, perfect bum etc, once we start to accept us as we are, that is when we can really start to appreciate things we like about our bodies or about us.

Health is not a six pack, health is eating healthy whole foods, being able to get up every day and do every day things, go to the gym lift heavy weights, play at the park with your children/grand children, health is not how we look aesthetically but inside and having balanced hormones.

So we all need to look in the mirror and look at ourselves, stop looking at the person on social media who may have photoshopped the pic, or who is flexing or may not even be happy with themselves, and start concentrating on ourselves, for all we know those people on social media are looking at you and wishing they had what you have, be it your family, your lust for life, your legs etc.. We will always compare our selves, because we are human but once you accept you for you you will find happiness in your self. 

Monday 13 June 2016

Quick easy dinner

Hasslebank chicken with mozzarella and tomato


Ingredients x4
- Chicken Breast x4
- Beef tomatoes x2
- Mozarella
- Butternut squash

- pre heat oven to 180
- Slice into the chicken breasts to make separations
- slice the beef tomatoes in little macaroons
- slice the mozzarella up
- put tomatoes into he chicken slices skin facing up
- put the Mozarella into the gaps with the tomato
- cook for 20 minutes and then take out and push all the tomato into the chicken, put back in oven and cook till chicken is cooked through

- Mean while skin the butternut squash and make into noodles and cook them in the oven for 20 minutes until soft

This meal is clean healthy, perfect for mid week meal, it is also slimming world and Paleo friendly 

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Low carb meal ideas

I love my carbs I won't lie pasta, pizza, and the naughty carbs as well

However there is always ways to make food healthier, so to do that I make a meatza every few weeks as it is a firm family favourite, it's basically pizza on a meat base hence meatza! You can also make it in a cauliflower base.

375 g mince meat
An egg
Mix together with seasoning and lay out on a baking tray, put in oven for 10 minutes


(Toppings are endless and what ever yo fancy)

Cover mince base with toppings, pop back in oven for 10 minutes

Sunday 5 June 2016


This morning I really fancied pancakes, I have such a sweet tooth for breakfast, I would happily choose pancakes, waffles over a cooked breakfast any day, however traditional sweet breakfasts are actually worse than you than a 'fry up' due to the fat and suave and all the extra toppings that you choose

Here is the recipe that I used, I made it up but the pancakes turned out lovely

1 egg white
2 whole eggs
A splash of coconut milk
A quarter cup of coconut flour 

Make sure you cook them small to flip them over as they are thinner than normal

To make the sauce
A scoop protein powder
Splash of coconut milk

Top it off with blueberries and pear

Friday 3 June 2016

I really didn't want to go to the gym

Today I had every intention of going to the gym, I had a healthy breakfast, a healthy pre workout, took the kids to nursery and then I carried on walking straight past the gym and straight home

The sun was shining the weather nice, and as everyone knows in England we are very lucky when we get sunshine so we need to make the most of it

So what I did was got my weights and I made up a leg workout consisting of 10x10 squats
10 x10 walking lunges
10x10 split squats
10x10 weighted hip bridges
10x5 superset 10x5 kettle bell swings and kettlebell glute squat

Safe to say I am dead, feel so much better because I exercised in the fresh air 

No excuses, even when you don't feel up to going to the gym there is always ways to exercise 

Thursday 2 June 2016

Jamie Eason live fit

I have completed Jamie Eason live fit, it was a 12 week programme split up into 3 sections, each section was broken up into 4 weeks, and the exercises changed every 2 weeks. 

Live fit is a free programme designed by Jamie Eason and is found on body building it is a website which gives free workouts, free advise, nutrition advise from top athletes in the bodybuilding world. It is great to use if you are a beginner or an expert as it give you workout videos, etc.

Jamie Eason has another workout which isn't up on bodybuilding but can be found on her page, it is called from flat to all that, I started that programme a while back to help me get back into routine after my holiday, and will be going back to follow that programme from start to finish and will write a post on it.
show me the weigh

Overview of the programme
The nutrition plan that is for the programme is a good starting point to look at, if you have been eating poorly, then I fully advise taking a look at it, and having a look at the allowed list of foods, that way you can kinda create your own plan if toy don't want to follow the plan. 

I used the allowed foods and made my own meal plan, I did try to stick to my plan as best as possible but did sway a bit but I am only human

The first stage of the programme which is muscle building: weeks 1-4
- no cardio
- 3 sets of 12, 
- exercises are simple to help build up muscle and to perfect form
- simple but effective

Second stage of the programme which is muscle endurance: weeks 4-8
- cardio is added in to help start to shed some of the body fat
- higher reps low weight
- low reps high weight mix to help keep your body functioning
- workouts are still kept simple with videos to help and also alternatives if you find something hard, or can't do due to gym
- lots of super sets which is great, but sometimes hard to do depending on your gym layout, I sometimes had to walk from 1 end of the gym to the next just to do a superset and hold both equipment which can be deemed as rude

Third stage which is the cutting stage: week 8-12
- circuits are added in which sometimes is hard because your gym layout may mean you are wandering around he gym, and having to try hold 2-3 machines at the same time which isn't really easy to do
- plyo exercises are added in which is a great alternative to weights and helps with the cardio and makes it feel like you have worked out harder
-long workout, some of the workouts can take up to 2 hours to do which isn't really something that I can do, I normally run to e gym before my shift at work so by time I have finished I would have to get straight to work which wasn't really something I wanted to do

Overall this is an excellent programme for beginners or someone that hasn't done strength exercises for a while, this programme gives you an excellent structure and each programme gets harder and progresses you, it give you chance to get stronger, build strength and also to cut body fat whilst regaining your strength

I would fully recommend is programme to any one, especially people that are just going around in circles and do not feel that they are progressing