Monday, 3 November 2014

Exercise during pregnancy

Here is a list of benefits of exerting during pregnancy:

Lower risk of developing gestational diabetes
Weight control
Reduced postpartum depression
Less water retention
Larger placenta and more nutrients for your baby
Decreased likelihood of varicose veins
Less likely to require a caesarian delivery
More rapid return to pre-pregnancy weight
Leaner children up to 5 years after delivery
Increased fitness for delivery & for toting around your new baby stroller and diaper bag

When you find out your pregnant you worry is it safe to exercise or is it safe to start exercising? The anewer is as long as there is no complications and your mw has giving you the go ahead, then its very safe to continue and start exercising.

Remember you are exercising to stay fit and healthy, not to loose weight or to break any records, as long as there is no complication than you can continue where you left off, once you reach third trimester you will naturally slow it down because of how you feel.

You need to really listen to your body, do not over do it, make sure that after exercising you feel the baby move, if your tired stop, if you don't feel well stop. Keep hydrated make sure your body temperature doesn't rise to much and you can still talk properly during the exercise. heart rate shouldn’t climb higher than 70-75% of maximum (HR maximum = 220-age) and body temp should get no higher than 38 degrees.

Beginners don't suddenly start sprinting or lifting weights, pick a dental exercise such as swimming or cycling, don't suddenly expect to do spin or cross fit, you are building a new life which takes it out of you, so do things slowly.

Do not do floor ab workouts such as sit ups and crunches, do standing ab workouts, such as draw your belly into spine like you would if your doing a tight pair of jeans up. Plank is excellent, and also standing crunches, lean to one side when stood up straight, then stand back up, then lean to other side.

Weight training is proven to be very beneficial whilst pregnant, just use lower weights and higher reps, don't do any exercise which means lying flat on the bench.

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