I wont sit here and tell you I have always been fit and healthy, that would be a lie, I will also not sit here and tell you I loved exercise, I used to try everything to get out of p.e at school, rounder's, netball, not my cup of tea in the slightest.
I have never been fat but maybe a chubby teenager where your puppy fat clings on till your hormones have sorted themselves out then I lost all my puppy fat and became the slim me that I am now, I was skinny back then, maybe to skinny.
I loved football and used to play all the time, the reason I stopped was a foot injury, this was around the time i found my love of theory side of sport, I was still not healthy food wise though, still ate what I wanted.
I fell pregnant in 2010 and carried on eating what I wanted, I was working around 40 hours a week so certainly wasn't exercising, I didn't have the healthiest of pregnancies, with kidney infections and then pre eclampsia and gained 2 stone with Dylan, It did hit me what i was eating was going to him so my eating habits changed.
I fell pregnant in 2013 with my second child and really learnt about how to exercise safely during pregnancy with body temp and heart rate, i carried on eating healthy and had a better pregnancy had complications and kidney infections but i knew that was down to pot luck rather than me.
After she was born I carried on exercising but started to add weights so I could tone up, get stronger and fitter as looking at pictures I realised how skinny I was and that it really wasn't nice and I wanted my children to see me as strong not skinny.
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